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WinGrid Memory Management


I'm trying to understand some memory problems with my app and I need a basic understanding of how wingrid manages memory.

I have a button which executes a SQL query and returns a DataSet. The DataSet obviously owns an amount of memory

I then bind the DS to the grid using:

ultraGrid1.SetDataBinding( null, null );
ultraGrid1.SetDataBinding( oDS, null );

Q1: Does wingrid copy all of the data from the DataSet into the grid? Is my original DS unchanged?

Q2: If I press the button a 2nd time to repeat I will get a 2nd DataSet. Is my original DS still in memory? Does it go out of memory when ultraGrid1.SetDataBinding( null, null ); is called?

If I look at the app using Task Manager the memory just keeps going up until I get an out of memory exception


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