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WebDataGrid RowAdding


I'm using Version=14.1.20141.2283 and I'm new to Infragistic

My aim is to construct a editable grid, where the editing and validations are done in client side until user clicked a save button to trigger a post back event back to sever. The datasource stored on Session could be updated directly after post back. However, I got some problems.

1: The asp:RequiredFieldValidator seems not working when I pressed "Enter" in other row adding field.
For example, in the attached page, If I input "Name" field and then press Enter in the rowAdding row, the row can be successfully added to the grid, bypassing the validator.

2: I set the validator of all the columns to a RequiredFieldValidator. I found that only the "Region" field in the attached page is enforced to be filled up. "ID", "Name", "Birthday" could still be empty. Can RequiredFieldValidator works with multi-columns / other EditorProvider? eg. DataPicker, Numeric

3: I tried to make use of ExitingEditMode of RowAdding Behavior to do validation in client-side, but the value of "eventArgs.getCell().get_value()" are not the value of the current editing cell. (its the previous one). For example, I selected "UK" in "Region" DropDown and exit edit mode, the value I get in console is null. Then, I selected "Hong Kong". The value logged in console is "UK", but not "Hong Kong". One of the validations is to check uniqueness of a column. 

4: The grid I'm migrating from UltraWebGrid to WebDataGrid consists of a pair of columns which shares the same DataKeyField. In the attached page, its the RegionName and the RegionId. Is it possible to fill up RegionId field automatically when I selected a Region in the drop down provider? I tired to use the ExitingEditMode client event to do so, but I failed as the problem mentioned in (3).

5: Is it possible to validate the entire row and ensure all the required fields are input correctly/ filled up before adding a row to the grid without posting back? 

6: mm.. this is totally unrelated problem to row adding of web data grid.. its  about implementing sorting and paging behavior on a 4-level WebHierarchicalDataGrid, please check my latest reply of this post posted by my colleague :
The large amount of data bounded with the hierarchical grid causes the grid responses very slow.
Also, we got Async Error when sorting child brand(level 2-4)
The paging is not working as well (loading icon is shown but the page is not switched after loading)

There are lots of questions... Thanks!!