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RangeColumnSeries and PointSeries living happily together

Hi again, my client is looking to have range style series with a high/low but in the style of a line with a triangle at the top and pyramid at the bottom. I have a solution with all the pieces in place, but the inclusion of the rangecolumnseries causes the points and label to move over. If I could get everyone lined up it would be perfect.

Simple example attached



chart with info
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  • 17475
    Offline posted

    Hi Peter and thank you for posting!

    I have reviewed your sample application and I noticed that RangeColumnSeries is added after PointSeries. This will cause RangeColumnSeries to be rendered on top of the chart and overlap part of the points of the other series. I would suggest you to define RangeColumnSeries before PointSeries in the XAML code or, if you are adding the series dynamically, you can consider setting the ZIndex property for them. Here is a forum post where Krasimir has provided additional details for the same:
    If you have any other questions, feel free to update the thread.
