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Changing Date in DataGrid Resets All Other Fields

UltraWinGrid Version: 11.1.20111.2111

I have a small UltraGrid that has different types of fields (e.g., text, numeric, drop downs, dates).  Here's the situation:

  1. Change any non-date field directly in the grid without issue.
  2. Change either date field using the calendar dropdown and as soon as the dropdown closes, all other fields reset to initial value.
  3. I am using UltraDateTimeEditors as the EditorComponents because if I don't, I experience an even worse problem that crashes the software: "Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'MonthDropDownWithUIPermissions'." - And this is just when changing the date in the field.  I did see this same problem (disposed object) addressed in the forum but it refers to version 2010.

ugActionCycles.DataSource = _dsActions

ugActionCycles.Rows.Band.Columns("LastAction").EditorComponent = udteLastAction
ugActionCycles.Rows.Band.Columns("NextAction").EditorComponent = udteNextAction

For example, referring to the graphic below, I change the Type to another value, uncheck the Repeat, and then change either the Last or the Next and the Type and Repeat reset to their original value.

What am I doing wrong?  Probably super simple but I've been wrestling with this for almost a day now.  Not fun.

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  • 48586
    Verified Answer



    You will get the default values field in UltraGrid cells if the corresponding column has a default value and the row is submitted with null. So based on this and the exception  which you mentioned it seems to me that somehow current edit row was  deleted and new row was added on its place. Also I believe that this was did because of some validation logic.  If you are able to isolate this in a simple sample which you could post here I will be glad to investigate this further for you in order to find the exact reason for this issue.


    I am waiting for your feedback.

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