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Filter one WebHierarchicalDataGrid based on selected value of another WebHierarchicalDataGrid


I have two tables, Purchase Orders and Purchase Order Lines.   They both appear on the screen at the same time, in separate update panels, one underneath the other.

I would like to capture the value of the field called "POCONumber", in the main POs table, and use it as a filter to filter contents in the PO Lines table.

It would be ideal if I could also write that selected POCONumber value to a session variable.

Solutions can either be in javascript or code-behind; whichever has better performance.

I'm using VB.NET.  

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
        <ig:WebHierarchicalDataGrid ID="WebHierarchicalDataGrid3" runat="server" Height="400px" Width="100%" DataSourceID="WebHierarchicalDataSource1" DataKeyFields="ID" EnableAjax="False" EnableAjaxViewState="False" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DefaultColumnWidth="200px">
                <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ID" Key="ID" Hidden="true">
                    <Header Text="ID">
                <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="POCONumber" Key="POCONumber">                     <Header Text="POCONumber">                     </Header>                 </ig:BoundDataField>
            <AjaxIndicator Enabled="True" />
            <GroupingSettings EnableColumnGrouping="True">
                <ig:Activation ActiveCellCssClass="ActiveCellClass" ActiveRowCssClass="ActiveRowClass">
                <ig:EditingCore BatchUpdating="True" EnableInheritance="True">
                        <ig:RowDeleting Enabled="true" ShowDeleteButton="true">
                        <ig:RowAdding Enabled="true" EditModeActions-EnableF2="true" EditModeActions-EnableOnActive="true">
                            <EditModeActions EnableOnActive="True" />
                <ig:Selection CellSelectType="Single" Enabled="true" RowSelectType="Single">
                <ig:Paging PageSize="30" PagerAppearance="Bottom" PagerMode="NumericFirstLast">
                <ig:Sorting EnableInheritance="true">
        <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="btnPOSave" EventName="Click" />
<br />
<br />
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel3">
        <ig:WebHierarchicalDataGrid ID="WebHierarchicalDataGrid4" runat="server" Height="350px" Width="1200px" DataSourceID="whdgsPOLines" DataKeyFields="ID" AutoGenerateColumns="false" EnableAjax="false" EnableAjaxViewState="false">
                <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ID" Key="ID" Hidden="true">
                    <Header Text="ID">
                <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="POCONumber" Key="POCONumber" Width="100px">                     <Header Text="PO#">                     </Header>                 </ig:BoundDataField>
            <AjaxIndicator Enabled="True" />
                <ig:EditingCore EnableChildlessRowsPopulation="True" EnableInheritance="True" BatchUpdating="true">
                        <ig:RowAdding Enabled="true">
                <ig:Filtering>                 </ig:Filtering>
        <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="btnSetPONumber" EventName="Click" />

  • 20255
    Offline posted


    Thank you for contacting us.

    My suggestion is to perform client-side filtering. Use Selection behavior in order to get the POCONumber value, and after that apply your custom filter in the second Grid.

    Code snippet:

    //This will return you POCONumber Value

    var selection = ig_controls.WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.get_gridView().get_behaviors().get_selection();
    var POCONumberCell = selection.get_selectedRows().getItem(0).get_cellByColumnKey("OrderID");
    var POCONumber = POCONumberCell.get_value();

    //Get Filtering behavior

    var grid = ig_controls.WebHierarchicalDataGrid1;
    var filtering = grid.get_gridVIew().get_behaviors().get_filtering();

    //Create new filter with some Rule passing the POCONumber value

    var newFilter = filtering.create_columnFilter("POCONumberFilter");
    //$IG.NumericFilterRules.GreaterThan => 3

    //Apply the new filter


    More information:

    We provide FilterRules enumerations like NumericFilterRules, BooleanFilterRules, TextFilterRules.

    $IG.NumericFilterRules.All => 0
    $IG.NumericFilterRules.Equals => 1
    $IG.NumericFilterRules.DoesNotEqual => 2
    $IG.NumericFilterRules.GreaterThan => 3
    $IG.NumericFilterRules.GreaterThanOrEqualTo => 4
    $IG.NumericFilterRules.LessThan => 5
    $IG.NumericFilterRules.LessThanOrEqualTo => 6
    $IG.NumericFilterRules.IsNotNull => 8
    $IG.NumericFilterRules.IsNull => 7

    If you want to apply Boolean or Text filter then you should use:

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