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How to display only checked items in ultracomboeditor?

How to display only checked items in UltraComboEditor which set as EditorComponent for column "Example" when I check "Hide non checked items"?

If "Hide non checked items" not checked, all list must be showed.

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    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Alex,

    There is no automatic, built-in way to filter the checked/selected items in the list. I recommend submitting a new product idea on our website at

    I see your setting the ComboEditor's EditorValueSource to CheckedItems. You can handle ValueChanged to populate a new object with the checked items, then bind to that list.

    I attached a basic sample demonstrates how to do this. The combo is bound with the checked item list by handing AfterCloseUp.

    Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.
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