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Highlight a selected row in the grid


In my application, i have a grid with the following format.

<igWPF:XamDataGrid Name="xamDataGrid1" Theme="Office2010Blue" IsNestedDataDisplayEnabled="False" DataSource="{Binding Items, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" BorderThickness="2" BorderBrush="#FF3272DE" IsGroupByAreaExpanded="False" GroupByAreaLocation="None" ActiveDataItem="{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}" DataContext="{Binding}" BindToSampleData="False" FontSize="9" FontWeight="SemiBold" FontFamily="Arial" Margin="0,0,0,0" AutoFit="False" ScrollingMode="Immediate">

If i create a new item from the view model and set it to the 'SelectedItem', i expect it would highlight the particular row in the grid. But unfortunately it doesn't. How can i get my grid to the highlight the new row from the view model?

Thanks in advance.

  • 16495
    Offline posted



    Thank you for your post.

    I have been looking into it, but it seems like I am missing something about your scenario, so if this is still an issue for you, could you please send me, an isolated sample project, where this is reproduced, so I can investigate it further for you.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

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