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XamMonthCalendar refreshing CalendarDayStyleSelector


I'm trying to use the CalendarDayStyleSelector in the XamMonthCalendar control. i want to highlight the dates that are in a observable collection in my view model. i've written a style selector and this is referenced using


<local:DateStyleSelector x:Key="dayStyle" />



CalendarDayStyleSelector="{DynamicResource dayStyle}"

and in the code behind

Style dayStyle = new Style(typeof(Control));

var date = (CalendarDay) item;

var viewModel = (HolidaysViewModel) date.DataContext;

if (viewModel.DatesForSelectedFinCentres.Contains(date.StartDate))


dayStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(Control.BackgroundProperty, Brushes.Wheat));


this works when you change month in the calendar as the styles are reset.

is there a way to make the styleselector refresh when the observable collection changes

many thanks

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