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Access to Filtered results in igGrid

I am using the igGrid and I am looking for some way to access the filtered result set in the grid.  I have a situation where I need to update a field someplace else on my page based on the filtered results. 

Just for an example, I have a list of customer accounts and cities.  The user filters the grid for a certain city.  I want to get a concatenated list of account numbers for the filtered list to use in my other field outside of the grid.

Is this a possibility either using MVC or JQuery?

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  • 18204
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    Hi Eric Jones,

    Thank you for posting in our forums!

    The rows method will return all the rows that are currently displaying in the grid.  This method returns the <tr> elements for the grid.  Using this, you can get the primary key for the row and call findRecordByKey to get the data for the row.

    Please see this jsFiddle that demonstrates how you could achieve this.  You can filter the grid and when clicking the "Test" button, the names in the filtered rows will be logged to the browser's console.

    If you have any further questions or concerns with this, please let me know.

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