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Read-only tasks gray the milestones


I am trying to make all tasks in a WinGanttView read-only but the read-only flag that you can set on them do that also garys the background of the icon I am using from this post : So te question is, can I disable any editing of the tasks  and keep the background color of my icon?

  • 1225
    Offline posted

    Hi Florin,
    It looks like you are setting the Enabled property on the Task which makes it all grayed instead of the Read-Only property which actually keep all the task fields enabled but won't let you edit them. You can also disable the editing of the major fields of a task by setting the properties like AllowEditDeadline, AllowEditStartDateTime etc.

    Please let me know if you still want to set the Enabled property instead of the read-Only.


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