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How we can add subgrid for Child data using XAM grid.


we are going to add parent child sub grid using XAMGrid. we have followed this link: 

But we want to add sub grid for child data as well and using the help of above link we are able to add only subgrid for parent Row not for child row.

For Example:  In Parent Row we have Country Name and In Country Name have child data for State as sub grid of Country.

And Subgrid State also have sub grid for City Name.

Please help us.


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  • 16495
    Offline posted

    Hello Harsh,

    Thank you for your suppport request.

    I have modified the attached sample applciaiton from the thread you have mentioned in your post  in order to show you how can achieve the functionallity you are looking for. You can find the new version (‘’) under my post.  Bassically, I have added one more ColumnLayout to the Children’s ColumnLayouts and a TextColumn corresponding  to underlying data property. For example:

        <ig:XamGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
                    <ig:TextColumn Key="ID"/>
                    <ig:TextColumn Key="Number"/>
                    <ig:ColumnLayout Key="Children">
                            <ig:TextColumn Key="ChildID"/>
                            <ig:TextColumn Key="ChildLabel"/>
                            <ig:ColumnLayout Key="ChState">
                                    <ig:TextColumn Key="ChildLabelState"/>

    Please do not hesitate to let me know if you require any further assistance regarding this matter.

    Entry Level Software Developer
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