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ValueList inserts a null, or nothing value, rather than the item I select

My project includes a form with an Infragistics UltraGrid, in which one column, "Product_Code"` is a `DropDownList` style, populated by a ValueList.

What happens is, on the first row of the grid (Index 0), the item I select fills in the in the grid, and I can enter the rest of the data as I wish to.

However, when I add a second row (index 1 or higher), the ValueList remains the same, but whenever I click on a value, it inserts a `Null` or `Nothing` value into the "Product_Code" column. Is there anything alarmingly obvious which I'm doing wrong here?

I can't work out why this is happening


For Each ugr In ugProducts.Rows
If ugr.Cells("Product_Code").Value = ugProducts.Rows(ugProducts.Rows.Count - 1).Cells("Product_Code").Value And ugr.Index <> ugProducts.Rows(ugProducts.Rows.Count - 1).Index Then
MsgBox("Cannot add the same product twice", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Error adding product")
ugProducts.Rows(ugProducts.Rows.Count - 1).Delete(False)
Exit Sub
End If

If supplier = "" Then
sql = "SELECT [Base_Code] FROM [Products]"
dtProducts = getDT(sql)

For Each dr In dtProducts.Rows
vlProducts.ValueListItems.Add(dr.Item("Base_Code"), dr.Item("Base_Code"))
Dim ProductsDt As New DataTable

Using ProductsDa = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT [Product_Code] FROM [Product Suppliers] WHERE Supplier_Code=?", con)
ProductsDa.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@suppliercode", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = supplier
End Using


For Each dr In ProductsDt.Rows
vlProducts.ValueListItems.Add(dr.Item("Product_Code"), dr.Item("Product_Code"))
ugProducts.DisplayLayout.Rows(0).Cells("Product_Code").ValueList = vlProducts
End If

No Data
  • 12480
    Offline posted

    Hi David,

    In the code above, the value list is only added to the first row. Rather than adding the value list to the cell, you can add it to the column.

    ugProducts.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[0].ValueList = vlProducts

    Please try this out and let me know if it works.
