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igGrid Add Row throws error: cannot determine type of editor


I have attached code for the igGrid and the derived grid which contains ColumnUpdate setting. The Issue I am facing is as below,

In my grid I have 5 columns and when I try adding new row to the grid I am getting below error for 3rd column,

0x800a139e - JavaScript runtime error: Updating did not have enough information to properly determine the type of editor to use for column: SHCd

I am also attaching pic of the Visual studio debugger. Can you pls help me with the right settings I need to do in my columnUpdateSettings in order to make the Add New row functionality work for the attached grid (msalloc.placcountgrid.js).

Warm Regards,

Parag Dave
  • 5513
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    Thank you for using Infragistics forums!

    For Updating to determine the type of editor to use automatically the column must have data type defined in the grid's column collection. Please, add dataType properties for the columns that throw this error. You could also specify the type of editor to use directly through the editorType property in Updating's columnSettings.

    I hope this helps! Please, let me know if you have any other questions or concerns!

    Best regards,

    Stamen Stoychev

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