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Change combo box filter style and make drop down item visible always


I need to show filter drop down icon visible always in xamdatagrid((not only on hover/selected)). As user do not know he/she can do filtering until they hover or select.

So I am trying to set FilterCellEditorStyle in fieldsettings like below but i am facing this error. "'XamComboEditor' TargetType does not match type of element 'XamCheckEditor'." Can some one please let me know how i can resolve this and it should start working.

<Style x:Key="DropDownTest" TargetType="{x:Type igEditors:XamComboEditor}">
<Setter Property="DropDownButtonDisplayMode" Value="Always" />

<igDP:FieldSettings CellHeight="18" ExpandableFieldRecordHeaderDisplayMode="AlwaysDisplayHeader" AllowRecordFiltering="True" CellClickAction="SelectRecord"
AutoSizeOptions="All" FilterCellEditorStyle="{StaticResource  DropDownTest}" FilterClearButtonVisibility="Visible" FilterStringComparisonType="CaseInsensitive" ></igDP:FieldSettings></igDP:XamDataGrid.FieldSettings>

Please let me know as this is urgent or if any other way around to achieve this ?

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