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Webdatagrid runtime change CSS

How can one change Webdatagrid css at runtime? In my case I had placed  Webdatagrid inside UserControl and used this UserControl on multiple page. Now I want that if page1 is clicked, then say red border and some other attributes are displayed for grid and if say page 2 is clicked, then say white border, etc.

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    Verified Answer

    One can do it either in codebehind or using jquery.

    Inside UserControl, changed css of Webdatagrid like below:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () { 
            if ($("input[id$=hfIsTab]").val() == null)  // Hidden Field defined in Master page
                $('.igg_Header').css("background-color", "#efe092");  //Tab Page
                $('.igg_Header').css("background-color", "#fff");  //Main Page

    In general, one can also do it like below:

    $('.class').css("color",((Variable > 0) ? "#009933":"#000"));

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