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UltraCombo value member/displaymember when typing a value into cell

I currently have an UltraGrid that contains a column with an UltraCombo control.


ReferenceKey                   ObjectNumber

595                                         “639”

596                                         “640”

597                                         “641”

598                                         “644”

599                                         “645”

600                                         “646”

641                                         “727”

642                                         “728”

643                                         “729”

644                                         “730”

645                                         “731”


Above is the data set that is bound to the UltraCombo.

UltraCombo.ValueMember = “ReferenceKey”

UltraCombo.DisplayMember = “ObjectNumber”



When I start to type into the cell “6” then “4” it auto-fills the third char to “0” (which I understand because “640” is the first value in the list that matches the 6 and the 4 that I’ve typed).

However when I then type “3” (“643” is not a DisplayMember value) the combo resolves to the record with the ReferenceKey of 643…DisplayMember of “729”


Why is this UltraCombo using the ValueMember to resolve a “search” based on what I’m typing in for the DisplayMember?


Is there a particular property on the UltraCombo that I need to set to prevent this behavior?

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