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CategoryXAxis skipping X-axis datapoint labels


I am using CategoryXAxis bound to DateTime component of my series. My chart has few data points (10 - 15). The problem I am facing is that the X axis doesn't show all the x-axis labels for my series, even though the chart width can easily fit the labels. This problem exists with all of the three series I tried: LineSeries, SplineSeries and ColumnSeries

Is there a way to force display all the X axis categories.


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  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Sandip,

    When the XamDataChart loads, it will determine a 'logical interval' for the chart labels based upon the number of labels and the chart's size. This can be overridden by setting the Interval property on your CategoryXAxis, as this property determines the frequency of when the labels are drawn. If you set this property to 1, you should see all of your labels drawn, as this will essentially set a frequency of "every category."

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

    Associate Developer
