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XamComboEditor resets SelectedItems collection


I have an issue with my XamComboEditor constantly resetting its items selection state. See the example project attached.

In my case I have a XamTabControl representing layers, which tabs are populated via TemplateSelector and can be of three types: A, Band C (each has own view and viewmodel). The latter two types can have links to other (target) layers, and utilize a multiple-choice XamComboEditor there.

The problem arises when I switch between different types of layers. For example:
1. When you launch the example app, there is already one layer "A 1"
2. Add two layers of type B (click +B button)
3. Within each B-layer select any target layer via XamComboEditor:
—When you switch between layers of the same type B, the selection of targets is persisted.
—Whenever you switch between layers of different types (e.g. from A to B), the selection of targets is reset.
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