• Minor faceOut Update

    As reported by Dave Sussman (and others), the initial version expected to be running on US systems (thanks to some hard-coded US date formats in the sample XML data).  I've since updated faceOut to handle those peculiarities (including forcing use of the USD ($) while respecting other locale settings) and added a little "about" popup.

    Nothing major at this point, but I wanted to let folks know in case they…

    • Wed, Apr 9 2008
  • German Article (auf Deutsch!) on Infragistics Excel Engine

    I just wanted to point out an article written by one of our top German community members, André Krämer.  Thanks, Andre!

    "Wenn Excel mehr als eine Datensenke sein soll"

    "Optisch ansprechenden Excel-Dateien zu erzeugen, erfordert normalerweise fehleranfälligen Automatisierungscode. DevDorado.de zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie mit Hilfe der Infragistics Excel Engine fehlerfrei zu eindrucksvollen Ergebnissen…

    • Tue, Apr 8 2008