5 Great Blogs for UX and UI Inspiration

Gradient Girl / Tuesday, January 7, 2014

 The great thing about being a UX or UI designer is there are always new challenges to face and new things to learn. The web, and specifically the wide variety of blogs available for consumption, offer a great way to learn new skills, keep up with the latest trends, or simply find inspiration. With that in mind here are 5 great blogs that all UX and UI designers need to know about:

Boxes and Arrows

The Boxes and Arrows site has been around for a long time now, certain in terms of the web. Since 2001 in fact. It features a wide range of well written and researched articles on the topics of graphic design, interaction design and information architecture. Articles are submitted by a range of contributors from across a number of industries. Check out the Boxes and Arrows site when you are looking for serious indepth articles that push forward the practice of UI and UX.

A List Apart

A List Apart is another old school site that has managed to keep relevant and interesting since it first got going in 1997 (initially as a mailing list). The site accepts submissions from writers in a range of professions, and as a result features a wide range of content exploring web design and content. A bit like ‘Boxes and Arrows’ in that it generally focuses on longer form in depth articles, this is a must for any UI or UX designer serious about their profession.


Information Architects is the blog of the company of the same name. The company design and build various web products and services, and got a lot of attention when they launched ‘iA Writer’ for the Mac and iOS. The style of the blog tells you everything you need to know about their ethos (it is very sparse indeed) but it also includes a ton of useful material and design and user experience.

Little Big Details

We covered UI pattern websites in a previous post. Little Big Details isn’t quite one of those, but it does include a wealth of useful screenshots and snippets of user design goodness. What is especially nice about this site is the stripped back commentary, the team simple let the UI do the talking..

The Nielsen Norman Group

Whilst the principles expressed over the years by Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman don’t always meet with universal acclaim, most UX and UI designers would admit they have both had a huge influence on their field in the last 10-20 years. The Nielsen Norman Group blog features a ton of articles covering everything from tablet usability, to the use of the web by senior citizens.