• NetAdvantage for JSF v. 8.2 HotFix released!

    In addition to fixing a few minor bugs, this hot fix includes the ability to assign internationalized sorting in the grid component. Sorting by any Locale can be set with three new attributes: country, language and variant. Its that simple!

    Down load the HotFix at: http://www.infragistics.com/java/netadvantage/jsf.aspx#Downloads

    • Fri, Oct 31 2008
  • NetAdvantage for JSF Likes Chrome!

    The new "Chrome" browser, from Google, has raised a lot of questions and concerned. I'm happy to report that thanks to our adherence to web ( and JCP) standards, NetAdvantage for JSF is completely compatible with Chrome.

    Of course, this is a great example of the importance of open standards in the development world. Although adherence to standards sometimes creates more work, in the long run, having everyone…

    • Tue, Sep 9 2008
  • JSFOne - Next Week!

    Next week the Java Team will be at JSFOne in Vienna Va., just outside the DC beltway. Yours truly will be giving a talk on using JSF with third-party components which aims to dispell some common misconception about JSF, third-party component libraries and using AJAX with JSF. If time permits I'll also demo integrating GWT with JSF - we'll see. :)

    Stop by our booth for a demo and some free swag. By the way, if you…

    • Tue, Aug 26 2008
  • The Hidden AJAX Framework

    NetAdvantage for JSF contains a robust AJAX framework that is separate, more or less, from our JSF components. In the past, we have not talked about the framework because our focus has been on components with "no code" AJAX. In the past few months though, we've seen quite a few customer requests that require the use of the framework above and beyond what's supported by such "no code" features as smartRefreshIds.…

    • Mon, Aug 11 2008
  • New Web Site for JSF

    For the past few months the Java team has been working on a new web site that focuses on JSF and NetAdvantage exclusively. The web site is in a late beta stage so you'll enounter some 404s and links-that-go-nowhere. Still I'd like to invite the Infragistics community to explore what we've got so far. Highly featured are samples which target common customer questions with complete source code and detailed explanations…

    • Mon, Aug 11 2008
  • No Fluff Just Stuff - Princeton

    If you've never been to a NFJS conference, I have one word for you - "Go".  This all-sessions-no-exhibits conference presents an overwhelming amount of information in a very short (two and  a half days) time.

    I spent my time learning about integrating JSF with all sorts of other technologies - most notably Google Web Toolkit, Spring Faces, and Spring Web Flow. Over the next several weeks, our Java team here…

    • Mon, Aug 11 2008
  • Infragistics Joins the Java Community Process

    Yes! Infragistics is now an official member of the Java Community Process. Everyone involved with Java here at IG is incredibly excited. As a member we will be much better informed regarding developments in the Java world, with particular regard to Java Server Faces and portals. Over the next few months we hope to join a few of the appropriate Expert Groups as well, which will allow us to contribute to emerging specifications…
    • Fri, Feb 29 2008
  • First Working Draft of HTML 5 Released

    Its about time! 

    The Consortium has also released a document detailing the differences between 4.0 and 5. It available here.

    Some highlights of the new features:

    • two-dimensional graphics
    • control of embedded audio and video
    • persistent client-side data storage
    • interactive document (and partial document) editing
    • drag and drop API
    • a network API
    • and "event-source" tag for "catching server sent events"


    • Tue, Jan 22 2008
  • Sun Acquires MySQL

    That's it really.  Read more here.

    Sun was touting JavaDB at Javapolis. JavaDB, which is basically Derby, is packaged with Java 6.

     Food for thought.

    • Thu, Jan 17 2008
  • Cloud Computing?

    This term has been floating around the internet for some time now, but a lot of people seem confused about what it means. Basically Cloud computing is simply  the idea that the main functionality of an application is stored on a central server and accessed as needed by users, normally through a web browser using HTML AJAX etc. Its sort of like a 3270 terminal connected to a mainframe compter, except that its non-proprietary…

    • Wed, Jan 2 2008
  • JVM Clustering

    Load balancing across J2EE servers has long been a problem for administrators. While offloading some services to an EJB container is one partial solution, many development teams do not want to take on the responsibilities of developing EJBs. Recently, I became aware of two interesting alternative strategies for this problem: VMWare and JVM clustering.

    VMWare, of course, allows you to run one OS inside another. Its used…

    • Wed, Nov 28 2007
  • Face Up?

    Most J2EE developers tend not to think much about the presentation layer. After all, its just HTML, right? Its simple and straightforward and compared to working with EJBs, Spring, JDO etc. there's just not much to it. But remember, the front end is the only thing the users see and its the only thing they care about. I've seen more than one beautifully structured application tossed in the trash because the users didn…

    • Tue, Nov 20 2007
  • Java and Ruby

    Java's a programming language, right? Actually no, not really. Java is more like a platform-neutral environment for coding. The source code syntax we call "Java" is secondary.

    Many developers don't realize it, but Java is specifically structured to allow Java development to be done in many different languages. The Java source code we're all accustomed to is really just a set of directions for generating…

    • Tue, Nov 13 2007
  • JSF, Struts and Tooling

    Struts and Faces are two J2EE frameworks that offer similar facilities. Struts arrived first and was eagerly picked up by companies developing large scale J2EE apps. Faces came along later with abilities that overlapped Struts in many places, but with a stronger focus on the presentation layer. Many development teams who had already commited to Struts chose to ignore JSF for three simple reasons:

    • Faces would require…
    • Fri, Nov 9 2007