Log in to like this post! HTML5 Grids & Chart Dashboards Webinar Follow-up Jason Beres [Infragistics] / Tuesday, April 3, 2012 I want to thank everyone who came out to the HTML Grid & Chart Based Dashboards webinar last week. We had big numbers for the webinar, we appreciate the time you took out of your bust schedule to check out what how we are innovating the Web / HTML5 space. I am sorry to the folks that couldn’t connect in to the video and the audio, as we maxed out at the 1,250 attendee limit for the webinars. We’re looking into making sure that we can accommodate the numbers next time. We also did the webinar at 2 different times, both live, to accommodate the worldwide audience. Did that work for you? Were the times good / bad? Shoot me an email jasonb@infragistics.com and let me know. Below is all the goodness from the webinar, let me know if I missed anything else that you’d like to see. On-Demand Webinar Viewing To view the On-Demand Webinar, go here: Live Meeting Recording Download the Product Download the NetAdvantage for jQuery product at this URL. This will install all of the samples and JavaScript files to make the magic happen. https://www.infragistics.com/products/ignite-ui#Overview You’ll need to install the product to take advantage of the demos. Get the Webinar Demos Some of the cooler performance examples I showed during the demos were around the chart. You can view those directly online here: Live Data Feeds: https://www.igniteui.com/data-chart/binding-real-time-data High Volume Data Binding: http://samples.infragistics.com/jquery/chart/binding-high-volume-data Real-time Data Binding: http://samples.infragistics.com/jquery/chart/binding-real-time-data Motion Framework: http://samples.infragistics.com/jquery/chart/motion-framework-chart Grab the MVC Samples I showed off during the talk here: http://download.infragistics.com/users/jasonb/blogs/mvcsamples.zip Grab the HTML Samples I showed off during the talk here: http://download.infragistics.com/users/jasonb/blogs/htmlsamples.zip Read the Q&A http://download.infragistics.com/users/jasonb/blogs/Infragistics-HTML-Webinar-QA.pdf That’s it. If you have suggestions on other webinar topics, make sure to let me know at jasonb@infragistics.com. Thanks again, Jason