• Keeping Your Mobile SharePoint & Office 365 Data Secure

    It goes without saying that establishing the security of data should be at the top of any company’s list of priorities; IT administrators are more keenly aware than ever of the risks associated with leaks and cyber-attacks. Protecting trade secrets has been crucial to business success since time immemorial, so when staff access your SharePoint solution from devices offsite, SharePlus has covered all bases to ensure complete…

    • Thu, Dec 17 2015
  • No Wi-Fi? No Problem: Accessing SharePoint without Internet Connection

    There was a worrying time near the beginning of 2015, when some thought we might run out of Internet. It seems like quite an alien concept, but bear with us. When the Internet was born back in the 1980s, there were 4.3 billion addresses created, the numbers that specify a single location on the Internet and that are more commonly referred to using domain names. The system used was called the Internet Protocol v4 (IPV…

    • Wed, Dec 16 2015
  • Big Data and the Internet of Things

    It has become seemingly impossible in today’s world to ignore the incredible amount of data that is being produced. In recent years, we have produced more data in just a couple of months than we produced in the entire history of humanity. That is, until the next year, where the process repeats itself. It’s not just the amount of data that is increasing either. We’re also collecting data from more sensors than ever before…

    • Tue, Dec 15 2015
  • Top 10 KPIs You’ll See in a CEO’s Dashboard

    In a series of 26 interviews with CEOs, The Harvard Business Review identified 3 key issues which were worrying business leaders around the globe. A major challenge was finding and retaining the right staff, especially in today’s technologically complex world. Another big worry was the impact of operating in a global market – navigating this context and keeping a company of thousands of individuals unified was extremely…

    • Fri, Dec 11 2015
  • Our Need for Speed: Making Tech Work for Our Productivity

    We work at a faster rate than ever before, but are we making the most of our time spent working? Find out how advanced technology can help productivity take off.

    Productivity is one of the major concerns facing businesses today. Being able to increase productivity is a win-win scenario, turning an average company into a great one; a good employee into a superstar. It makes sense, then, that companies want to be as productive…

    • Fri, Dec 11 2015
  • Accessible and Affordable Business Intelligence is Fueling Revenue in SMBs

    Small to Medium Businesses (SMBs) face a range of specific challenges that larger firms rarely encounter. From cash flow to uncertainty to regulation and more, business owners are often juggling a huge number of pressures. So, when there’s bills to pay, employees to hire, leads to follow up and prospects to approach, things like Business Intelligence and data analysis may feel like factors to “put off until we’re bigger…

    • Thu, Dec 3 2015
  • News from the European SharePoint Conference 2015

    The annual European SharePoint Conference (#ESPC15) is always worth getting excited about, and 2015’s Swedish edition was no exception. The conference is a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested or involved (probably both!) with all things SharePoint. The Conference spanned four days, with a day-long workshop to kick things off and conferences spread out across the remaining three days. ESPC was packed with big names…

    • Thu, Dec 3 2015
  • Why Mobile Support for Enterprise Apps is So Important in 5 Charts

    From the food we eat and the way we travel to the way we spend our money, mobile apps have changed the way we interact with the world around us. Since the launch of Apple’s app store back in 2008, developers have built a huge number of tools and solutions to make consumers’ lives easier. In 2015, the number of apps in the major stores looks a little like this:

    Fig 1. Apps in the major app stores


    • Tue, Nov 24 2015
  • Infragistics Named 7th in the Microsoft Partner Top 50 Inbound Marketing Excellence Report

     We’re very pleased to announce that Infragistics has been ranked 7th in Fifty Five and Five’s Top 50 Inbound Marketing Excellence Report. The report analyzes the best practices in digital marketing among hundreds of websites, blogs and social feeds of SharePoint and Office 365 product vendors in the Microsoft partner network.

    Besides an overview of the Top 50 and detailed commentary on the Inbound Marketing…

    • Fri, Nov 20 2015
  • How Mobile Access to Data Can Make You a Better Salesman

    Business Intelligence is being used more than ever in marketing, IT, project management, comms, finance and pretty much everywhere in modern business… with one notable exception: sales. While other departments are finding insights they’d never have otherwise discovered and are taking ground from the competition, sales are lagging behind.

    Why might it be that salespeople are missing the boat when it comes…

    • Tue, Nov 17 2015
  • The Future of Collaboration with SharePoint and Office 365

    Collaboration can be defined as the action of working with someone to produce something. And it’s interesting to know that it’s quite a new word:

    As the above graph shows, until 1880 no one collaborated (although it might just be that they were using different words for it..)!

    Collaboration in the enterprise is a very important factor in success. Working alone, people may be very good at doing one or two…

    • Tue, Nov 10 2015
  • How Mobile is Changing the Use of SharePoint?

    You only need go back a six or seven years and ‘mobile computing’ was still ‘the future’. Tablets didn’t really exist, certainly as we know them now (the first iPad arrived in 2010), and phones were very different beasts. Few, but a hard core of Blackberry wielding super-fans, would have described the brick in their pocket as a productivity tool. We played games on our phones, sent text messages, and struggled with a…

    • Fri, Nov 6 2015
  • What is the Future of SharePoint?

    Stephen Fishman has a...colorful way of describing Microsoft’s SharePoint offering. In his words, “SharePoint is crack and Microsoft is the pusher”. Fishman’s rather stark analogy stems from Redmond firm’s long history of getting organizations and individuals with any kind of IT inclination hooked on products; offering a unique combination of power and functionality at a cheap price or even for free. We can’t comment…

    • Wed, Nov 4 2015
  • Mobile Support for SharePoint?

    Since 2001 SharePoint has been one of the key industry players when it comes to document management, records management, and intranets. Its widespread popularity has made it one of Microsoft’s most successful products yet. To put this success in perspective, in terms of revenue Microsoft earns more money with SharePoint than it does with Windows.

    However, from a technological point of view, a lot of things have…

    • Fri, Oct 30 2015
  • Business Intelligence for the C-Level on the Go

    Why as C-Level staff do we follow financial news? Perhaps the most obvious reason is that without staying up to date with the market, you’re bound to miss opportunities, new trends and threats from your competitors. In the same way, it’s simply best practice to use your company’s internally held data to make better decisions, spot patterns and exploit new niches. Knowing what’s going on across your organization will inform…

    • Wed, Oct 28 2015
  • What is a SharePoint List?

    The list is potentially one of the oldest forms of personal organization. Before the days when nearly a third of humanity had smartphones, a list would consist of a few hand-written lines on a piece of scrap paper: groceries, things-to-do etc. Nowadays, a ‘list’ can take on any number of different digital forms. SharePoint, back in 2001, was ahead of the curve and made lists one of its key data structures when building…

    • Tue, Oct 27 2015
  • What Is Microsoft's SharePoint Market Size Worldwide?

    SharePoint is undoubtedly one of the world’s most important and widespread enterprise productivity tools. However, Microsoft are, quite naturally, secretive about the actual value of the product. In today’s post, we'll be trying to discover that answer by taking a high-level overview of SharePoint’s growth and adoption worldwide. Furthermore, we'll be looking at how it is doing in terms of usage, market growth, revenue…

    • Fri, Oct 23 2015
  • Who Are the World's SharePoint Experts?

    It’s not often we start a post like this, but, be prepared for disappointment: Gregory Hartley and Maryann Karinch claimed a couple of years back that you can become an expert in anything in just two hours. Does this mean you’ve been wasting your time attending SharePoint webinars, joining community forums, and reading blogs like...ours? We’re not convinced.

    Mastering SharePoint takes years of dedication…

    • Tue, Oct 20 2015
  • From Data to Decisions: How Do You Make Decisions?

    What was the best decision you ever made? Was it when you chose the University you’d study at? Was it the time you decided to change your career? Was it when you threw caution to wind and took that month long vacation?

    The decisions we take can change our lives. Of course, not every decision will have an enormous impact on your long term happiness or success (Indian takeaway or Chinese takeaway?). However, the way…

    • Tue, Oct 20 2015
  • Six Shocking Facts about Enterprise Mobile Security and How to Avoid Them

    A lack of mobility in today’s market could harm a business in many ways. Not being mobile might lead it to miss out on consumer solutions or result in missed business opportunities. As a result, enterprise mobility has become a must-have for modern organizations, delivering many successes and opportunities. Yet despite the advantages of mobility, security threats are fast evolving through malware sophistication

    • Wed, Oct 14 2015
  • Interactive Working and Collaboration in ReportPlus

    The term data usually refers to information which has been formatted in a particular way. As we know, data is a hugely valuable tool in the world of business and collaboration. It can exist in many forms, ranging from memories in our minds, to the mega and gigabytes we store in the electronic memories of our machines. We have even amassed data about data, which is more commonly referred to as Metadata and describes how…

    • Mon, Oct 12 2015
  • Top Reasons Why Companies Decide to Develop Their Corporate Site Using SharePoint

    In today’s world of Social in the Enterprise, the corporate intranet needs to be much more than a means of communicating information or line-of-business applications and documents to employees. Without a strategy from the outset to provide organic intranets that change and adapt to the users interacting with it, the only possible outcome is a static corporate intranet. You see, your corporate intranet can only become…

    • Mon, Oct 5 2015
  • The Top 10 Microsoft SharePoint MVPs

    Most of our readers will understand the term ‘most valuable player’ or ‘MVP’ in relation to the best player during the NFL, MLS or NBA season. The Most Valuable Professional award is Microsoft’s own take on an MVP, and is given to the brightest minds in selected fields. An awardee would be heavily involved in the Microsoft community, having contributed substantially to all things Microsoft:…

    • Fri, Oct 2 2015
  • Answering What-if Scenarios on Your Mobile Device with ReportPlus

    Chances are you’re familiar with what-if scenarios. By definition,  “A ’what-if analysis’ is a process which helps you evaluate the possible outcomes of an investment or business activity”. And while most might think it is only useful for sales opportunities, the key with what-if scenarios is the outcome. The process can be very useful to assess impacts, hypothesize on what the probable outcomes…

    • Wed, Sep 30 2015
  • Leveraging Content and Data – SharePoint & BI Hand in Hand

    Many great business successes have come from entrepreneurial individuals seizing the moment. A recent Forbes article picked out a number of carpe-diem moments which resulted in the birth of some of the world’s most successful and exciting companies. Being in the right place at the right time - and acting - played a massive role in Sergey Brin, co-founder of of Google’s riches. An opportunistic coup led the coupon…

    • Tue, Sep 29 2015