Log in to like this post! Pardon Our (UX) Dust! Kevin Richardson, Ph.D. / Tuesday, May 9, 2017 Infragistics is working to make it easier for you to find great information you can use to get your work done faster and easier. You may have already noticed some big changes in our main site, with easier access to detailed information, a standardized navigation experience, and great how-to material throughout the site. Over the next few months, you’ll also find changes to the Infragistics blogs, beginning now. Instead of dozens of blogs, we’re going to have a single, unified blog, tagged and categorized so you can find exactly what you’re after more quickly. We hope this will make it easier for you to find insights from all our experts in the new Infragistics blog. If you subscribe by RSS, please take a moment to re-subscribe at: https://www.infragistics.com/community/b/mainfeed. And please stop by https://www.infragistics.com/community/blogs/ often. We’ll have more changes coming soon, and we have a feeling you’re going to like them.