The importance of testing your mobile apps DevToolsGuy / Tue, Mar 31, 2015 Let’s not kid ourselves, when you’ve put hours of hard work and effort into developing an app, the last thing you want is someone to come and pick a load of holes in it. From conceiving an idea, to planning...
How Xamarin is empowering developers to create better mobile apps DevToolsGuy / Mon, Mar 30, 2015 In the old days it was easy to develop applications. There was a machine on the developer’s desktop and it was fairly clear how that machine would behave in all circumstances. Even later, when every application...
Five reasons why mobile app developers will love Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms DevToolsGuy / Thu, Mar 26, 2015 As any mobile app developer knows, clients with little programming knowledge tend to expect miracles from our work. Of course, we do pretty neat things but we’re often asked to build apps and develop...
Xamarin joins forces to launch new enterprise App standards group DevToolsGuy / Wed, Mar 25, 2015 Cast your mind back to your first mobile phone. Or more specifically the phone charger that the vendor had packaged with it. If you ever tried to charge your handset at a friend’s house or at the office...
Microsoft's Mobile Opportunity DevToolsGuy / Tue, Mar 24, 2015 Microsoft was slow to react to the step change in user experience provided by iOS and Android versus the first generation smartphone platforms. Windows Phone was then late to market and has finished a...
Infographic: The Rise of Mobile C# DevToolsGuy / Thu, Mar 19, 2015 C# is becoming an increasingly important language for mobile development, with or without Windows. For more info, check out our recent blog post about this topic and check out our latest infographic below...
The Rise of Mobile C# DevToolsGuy / Wed, Mar 18, 2015 Microsoft have been struggling to get traction with their mobile computing efforts, with Windows Phone stuck at around 3% share of the smartphone market. Windows 8 is doing a little better in the tablet...