I've send an email to 'DSManager@infragistics.com' and 'productmanager@infragistics.com' on 2. July 2008, but didn't receive any answer. Perhaps this forum is observed better than the email accounts, and I will get an answer to my question.
My email:
Dear Mr. McDonald,
A year ago we’ve submitted the incident Gen7672 where we asked to publish the PDB files for NetAdvantage Assemblies. After some follow up questions from Jason Beres the incident was resolved, and PDB files were published for Volume 8.1. They are now again absent in Volume 8.2. We desperately miss these files because we need them to fix and workaround bugs in NetAdvantage assemblies in situations when even our priority support cannot help.
Today Infragistics Support (Piyush Sharma) has forwarded us to you for solving of this issue.
Once more our argumentation from 26. June 2007
FYI: I've already read knowledge base article on your website http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Support/KnowledgeBaseArticle.aspx?ArticleID=2187 "1. We have approximately 100 Projects in several solutions. Our projects are updated regularly (internal development and updates to new Infragistics versions). 2. You don't provide in downloadable source code any global solution, which means that if I want to debug Infragistics.Win, and our assemblies reference Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinGrid (what they of course do), then I need to a) Manually find out the dependences between your assemblies in order to compute the compilation and linking order b) Manually reconstruct the environment (which would be copying the referenced assemblies into D:\WORK\BUILD\20063CLR2\CleanedSource\6.3.20063.53\Target\ according to your .csproj files) for each dependent Infragistics assembly (such as Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinGrid) c) Manually rebuild each dependent assembly"
I hope you understand that it is neither efficient nor acceptable for all your customers to invest this time and efforts each time customer projects are changed or moved to a new NetAdvantage version. Hopefully PDB files will be made available soon again.
Andrej Kuklin
Hello Vince,
1. The download provided for NetAdvantage for Windows Forms 2008 Vol. 2 actually contains the whole bundle (i.e. ASP.NET source too). Not a big issue, just FYI.
2. The PDBs provided don't work. Or at least they don't work the way they had with the 8.1 version. I do the following:
a. Start any Windows Forms application with references set to Infragistics assemblies in GAC
b. Place a breakpoint somewhere in your code (I do it in my sample on the line ultraGrid1.SetDataBinding(... ))
c. When breakpoint is hit, open in Visual Studio Debug-Windows-Modules (I'm translating from German, don't hesitate to ask, if you don't find some menus or similar). Right-click the row with UltraWinGrid DLL -> Load symbols.
d. Select the provided pdb file.
e. For 8.2 version the Visual Studio refuses to accept the pdb with error message "The symbol file bla-bla-bla.pdb does not match the module"
Once again, this method does work for version 8.1
Please, check it on your side and fix it. I’ll also file a support incident. Just for a case :)
One of my colleagues just pointed this post out to me. I responeded to your email message earlier today, Andrej, and it had taken me this long to verify all of the correct details. Since the information will likely be helpful to others I'll paraphrase and repeat it here.We do indeed provide the PDB files for our Windows Forms controls in NetAdvantage for .NET 2008 Volume 2, and I've verified that they are included with the source code build currently available for download (8.2.20082.2011). We first included these debug symbol files with the source code of NetAdvantage for .NET 2008 Volume 1.Here's how to find them: