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Using Infragistics dll in Visual Studio Code ( Context Menu issue)

Hi Team,

We are getting below error in Visual Studio code while performing below steps.

1. We are using Visual Studio Code 6.0-windows for windows application form.
2. We are able to create/add label , button by using Infragistic dll (With version 5.2, 12.1,22.1).
3. But while adding Infragistic textbox control (UltraTextBox) on form we are getting below error.

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu System.Windows.Forms.Control.get_ContextMenu()'.

4. We have tried the same with different Infragistics versions.
- 5.2
- 12.1
- Trial Version (22.1)

Kindly provide the solution for the same.

  • 29105
    Offline posted

    Hello and thank you for contacting Infragistics. Our windows forms tools are compatible with .NET Core 6.0 in versions 21.2 and later. Older versions will not work in the designer and are not guaranteed to work during compiling. Please attach a sample using 22.1 and I will see if I can provide some guidance on this. Thank you.