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Update on NetAdvantage for .NET Hotfix
I’m posting today to let you know the current status of the next hotfix release for NetAdvantage for .NET. As some have you may be aware, we experienced an infrastructure interruption which impacted our ability to complete testing of the hotfix as originally planned. Once we recovered from the infrastructure interruption, we immediately resumed testing of the hotfix and have completed several rounds of regression testing. Unfortunately, we have identified several issues during the last round of regression testing this week which we are now working to fix and retest. With these issues in mind, we have made the decision to do further testing before releasing the hotfix. We understand and regret the impact this delay is having on our you and your customers. However, we feel it is necessary to take the time to ensure we deliver a high quality hotfix release. Please be assured that we are working hard to release the hotfix as quickly as possible.  For your planning purposes, I also wanted to tell you that we commit to delivering 9 hotfix releases per year.  We will not deliver hotfix releases during the month prior to shipping NetAdvantage for .NET (Jan, May, September).  At the beginning of each month, we will let you know if we plan to ship a hotfix during that month and if so, we will let you know when you can expect the hotfix within a two week period.  Because of the nature of our QA cycle, it is impossible to pinpoint the exact date until we are far along in the testing cycle. We promise to keep you posted through my blog to give you more specifics as they become available. Regards, Ayoola OgunsolaDirector, Quality and Release Engineering
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  • 646

     This is simply ridicoulous. "infrastructure interruption"??? This is the lamest excuse I have ever heard. 

    I wouldnt complain if there were only minor bugs, but there are some bugs that make some of the feature simply useless.

    You cannot use AJAX on a webgrid (you cannot retrieve the selected row), sorting with Ajax  enabled does not exactly work as expcted, there are a lot of problems with Firefox and Webmenu, Webdialog does only work with the simplest controls (using more sohisticated controls doesnt work) and the list goes on and on.

     In the end you spend twice the time finding a work around for a bug/proble, then writing you own control. And then they are releasing the hotfix only to their "Premium" customers. 

