This is simply ridicoulous. "infrastructure interruption"??? This is the lamest excuse I have ever heard.
I wouldnt complain if there were only minor bugs, but there are some bugs that make some of the feature simply useless.
You cannot use AJAX on a webgrid (you cannot retrieve the selected row), sorting with Ajax enabled does not exactly work as expcted, there are a lot of problems with Firefox and Webmenu, Webdialog does only work with the simplest controls (using more sohisticated controls doesnt work) and the list goes on and on.
In the end you spend twice the time finding a work around for a bug/proble, then writing you own control. And then they are releasing the hotfix only to their "Premium" customers.
Sorry, but I'm going to have to agree with the comment from Jason Lockridge. This paticular hotfix has stopped production in our application. Everyday my customers are asking me when will this be fixed. I then relay the dates that IG has given to me. It is frustrating when I have to contact them and tell them again that fix will be delayed again. They are already starting to lose confidence in me as a developer. In their eyes it isn't IG's fault. They have no clue who IG is. In their eyes it is my fault and my commitments that keep getting broke. I understand there are many different reasons that this hasn't been released, but I would think that this fix is more important then your regular hot fixes. My customers do not care why it is broke. My customers do not understand what a "major technical issue" and do not care to understand what that means. Frankly, I am not sure I know what that means. I guess the reason I write this is to let you know that not only do you have an impact on developers but you have impact on their reputation and the company's reputation. I would love to know the steps that are going to be taken to make sure that a major bug fix will not have such a delay as this one is having.
Matthew Mulkey
Senior Developer
Norfolk Southren
Please forgive my directness, but I think I speak for many here when I say I, personally and professionally, don't give a darn about all of your excuses about why this hotfix is late.
When will this hotfix be delivered, and what ASSURANCES do we have that this type of situation will NEVER be repeated?
Jason LockridgeSr. ProgrammerSmithSystems, Inc.Los Angeles