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2 things...

1) Websites (forums, knowledge base) are usually REALLY SLOW. C'mon guys. You speed 'em up, we bother TS less.

2) (and this is REALLY annoying): when you search in a forum, each thread should come up exactly ONCE. It is absurd that each RESPONSE (as well as the original question, of course) of the thread shows up in the search results on a seperate line (and not even sorted hierarchically withn threads). In fact, this is the only forum I'm active in where this seems to be the case. A casual look revealed that my average 5 page search would be LESS THAN ONE PAGE if this were implemented. The fact that the website is slow on top of this redundancy is, frankly, often infuriating.

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    samc1959 said:
    when you search in a forum, each thread should come up exactly ONCE.

    This would also help us see the distinction between two threads with the same subject.  (And on a related rant, could you please block all posts that are simply entitled "webgrid"?  ;-)

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