I am having trouble accessing hidden fields when crafting an anchor tag with a routerLink directive within an igx-grid field template. I'd like to get the current cell, then row and then a specific hidden cell in that row to craft the link queryParams. Specifically, I need to replace <<id>> in the code below.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="mydata" [primaryKey]="'id'" [autoGenerate]='false'> <igx-column field="id" header="ID" hidden="true" ></igx-column> <igx-column field="name" header="Name" sortable="true" > <ng-template igxCell let-cell="cell"> <a [routerLink]="['/myroute', <<id>>]">{{ cell.value }}</a> </ng-template> </igx-column> </igx-grid>