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How to implement hierarchical menu using Navigation Drawer?

I need to implement a hierarchical menu using Navigation Drawer. I have searched the api but found nothing related to my requirement. 

Any help to achieve the menu settings similar to the menu in image, will be appreciated.

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    Dear Shahab Ashraf,


    Thank you for contacting us.


    If you would like to implement a hierarchical menu while using our Navigation Drawer component, you may do so by adding an Expansion Panel for each of the options that you would like to list.  Then within the panel, you may loop over all items and display them one after the other.

    This would produce a result similar to the second image (the one on the right), from the link that you have sent us.


    Please refer to the attached sample for more details on how you may achieve this.

    And also please be sure to contact us again should require additional assistance.


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