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when selected check boxes rows should export to excel only those selected

I'm using IGX-GRID that has check boxes and want click export to excel want to show on excel only the selected ones.

Any help implementing this feature will be appreciate it.

  • 1080
    Offline posted in reply to Shankargouda Goudati

    Hi Shankargouda,

    You can subscribe to the onColumnExport event emitted by the excelExportService and conditionally choose which columns should be exported:

    public ngAfterViewInit() {
        this.excelExportService.onColumnExport.subscribe( column => {
            if (column.field == "Name") column.cancel = true;

    Please keep in mind that this thread is about exporting selected rows and nevertheless that its relative to excel exporting, my suggestion is to create a new thread in our forum for your specific query. This way we can address your issues more accurately.

    Thank you for using Infragistics components.