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Column filtering bug


I believe I've found a bug when trying to apply column filters programaticly.

In my project I'm using a grid with excel style filtering on various columns. When applying a new filter, I'm using the onFilteringDone event which returns an object of IFilteringExpressionsTree which I'm saving for later.
When the time comes to apply the saved filters to the grid im using the filter() method on the IgxGridComponent object.
The filter() method takes, as it's third parameter, an object of either IFilteringOperation or IFilteringExpressionsTree.

However. If i use the IFilteringExpressionsTree object that i saved. I get the error: "cond.logic is not a function".

Upon debugging I've found that it is the object of IFilteringExpressionsTree which is represented as "cond". But the object has no function called 'logic'. That method exists in the other object type (IFilteringOperation). 

This is probably an oversight. I'm currently using Infragistics 13.

Has this bug been fixed in Infragistics 14?
Is there another solution that I've overlooked perhaps?

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