Hi Team,
Is there any way to create circular non-proportional zones on IgxGeographicMapComponent? So, that after zooming in/out on the map, the zone radius should not change.
I tried creating circular zones using IgxGeographicProportionalSymbolSeriesComponent. [Attaching code and screenshots]
Link: - Map | Data Visualization Tools | Scatter Proportional Series | Data Binding | Infragistics
But, after zooming in/out on the map, the circle is changing proportionally. As you can see in image 1 and 2.
Kindly, suggest any alternative approach.
<igx-geographic-map #map width="100%" height="100%" zoomable="true" > </igx-geographic-map>
Image 1: Default loaded image.
Image 2: Little zoomed in image.
To create non-proportional circular zones on IgxGeographicMapComponent, switch to IgxGeographicShapeSeriesComponent. Calculate the circle's radius in meters based on zoom and define its points. Adapt the code to your requirements.
Hello and thank you for contacting Infragistics. I would try using our Bubble Series for the geographic map.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Just a follow up! Can anyone help me on this?