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Creating expandaple content inside a docmanager pane

Hi there,
Im using the Ignite Dock Manager to create a dynamic form.

In the pane I place checkbox list, with dynamic number of items (see screenshot attached).

Here is my issue: 
I need to be able to expand the checkbox list height.

ideally, the checkbox list could somehow overlap outside of the container pane.

do you have any ideas how to achieve this ?


  • 740
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    Thank you for posting in our community!

    I have been looking into your question and what I can say is that if the content inside the Dock Manager exceeds the size of the pane, a scrollbar will be displayed allowing the user to see and interact with the rest of the content. Also, one of the features of the Dock Manager is that it allows resizing the panes as desired.

    Additionally, you have mentioned that "ideally, the checkbox list could somehow overlap outside of the container pane."

    Usually, the content inside the pane is within its borders and, as previously mentioned, if it exceeds the size of the pane, a scrollbar is displayed. If you would like the checkbox list to overlap the content pane, the checkbox list should be placed in a overlay that is displayed on the top level of the DOM, for example, in an IgxDialog component.

    Here could be found a small sample demonstrating the abovemetioned approaches.

    Please test it on your side and let me know if you need any further assistance regarding this matter.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Riva Ivanova
    Software Developer

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