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Reset for IgxTree

Hi Everyone,

I need to reset igx tree,

Im having add and view page in same component with tab navigation,

Here i add the items using igx tree, then dynamically moving tab to view page, after coming to add page already selected ones are retaining.

so i need to reset the igx tree,

i tried deselectall() -> its only working for if i selected root tree, i won't work if i selected sub tree, 

kindly help me to find out this issue.

Thanks in advance.

  • 560
    Offline posted


    I have been looking into your question and I've noticed that you've also raised this question in another thread on our community forum, which you can find here. According to our support policy, we handle one support case or forum thread per query to ensure all issues are addressed effectively.

    I will continue assisting you with the igx-tree reset functionality in the other forum thread. If you have any further questions specifically related to this issue, please feel free to ask there. If there are no additional queries related to the issue originally discussed in the other case, you can proceed to close it, or I can assist with closing it for you.

    Thank you for your understanding and for using Infragistics components.


    Georgi Anastasov

    Entry Level Software Developer
