I am using infragistics grid in my angular app component. When I am writing unit test cases for the component, I am getting below error from the igniteui-angular.mjs library.
...l,Va as isNull,Ba as isTrue,Ia as jsFiddle,La as jumpDown,ja as jumpUp,qa as keepAwayFromChildren,Ca as ladder,Sa as lastMonth,Ta as lastQuarter,Pa as lastWeek,Da as lastYear,Wa as legalDocument,Na as lessThan,Ra as lessThanOrEqual,Ea as linkedin,Fa as loan,Ua as logos,Ga as maestro,Oa as maintenance,Qa as maleCandidate,Za as mask,$a as maskAlt,Ya as massage,_a as mastercard,Ja as match,Ka as medicalBook,Xa as medicine,ei as medium,ti as microorganisms,ai as microscope,ii as microsoft,si as milestone,li as moneyBag,oi as month,ri as msEdge,ci as msExcel,di as msOffice,ni as msOutlook,hi as msPowerpoint,vi as msTeams,gi as msWord,pi as nextMonth,mi as nextQuarter,wi as nextWeek,ui as nextYear,bi as notEmpty,zi as notEqual,yi as nurse,xi as oil,ki as oilPlatform,fi as onedrive,Ai as opera,Hi as pacifier,Mi as paintRoller,Vi as parliament1,Bi as parliament2,Ii as payDate,Li as paypal,ji as piggyBank,qi as pill,Ci as pinLeft,Si as pinRight,Ti as pinterest,Pi as pipes,Di as pipingSystem,Wi as plasticSurgery,Ni as pliers,Ri as plugin,Ei as pneumaticHammerDrill,Fi as poop,Ui as popularVotes,Gi as poundCircled,Oi as pregnancyNoAlcohol,Qi as previousQuarter,Zi as previousWeek,$i as programming,Yi as projectRevenue,_i as protesterSigns,Ji as pullRequest,Ki as pulse,Xi as quarterFour,es as quarterOne,ts as quarterThree,as as quarterTwo,is as radiator,ss as radioactive,ls as reddit,os as repository,rs as responsiveLayout,cs as restrictedArea,ds as resultsByCandidates,ns as resultsPiechart,hs as rhNegative,vs as rhPositive,gs as roadRoller,ps as rodOfAsclepius,ms as rulers,ws as safari,us as safetyVest,bs as sale,zs as sass,ys as saw,xs as scalesBalanced,ks as scalesUnbalanced,fs as scissorLift,As as screwdriver,Hs as security,Ms as securityAlt,Vs as selectAll,Bs as severity,Is as shovel,Ls as signLanguage,js as skype,qs as skyscrapers,Cs as slack,Ss as snapchat,Ts as sneeze,Ps as socialMedia,Ds as softwareArchitecture,Ws as softwareInstaller,Ns as solarPanel,Rs as solderingIron,Es as soundcloud,Fs as sourceCode,Us as spotify,Gs as stackoverflow,Os as stairs,Qs as startExpression,Zs as startsWith,$s as stats,Ys as steam,_s as stethoscope,Js as stopHand,Ks as strategy,Xs as stretcher,el as stripe,tl as syringe,al as systemUpdate,il as tableSawBlade,sl as tapWater,ll as tapeline,ol as teeth,rl as telegram,cl as terminal,dl as thermometer,nl as thisMonth,hl as thisQuarter,vl as thisWeek,gl as thisYear,pl as tiktok,ml as timeline,wl as tinder,ul as today,bl as toiletPaper,zl as tomorrow,yl as tooth,xl as toothCracked,kl as topPercentileRecords,fl as topRecords,Al as touchId,Hl as towTruck,Ml as towelRail,Vl as tractor,Bl as trowel,Il as twitch,Ll as twitter,jl as ungroup,ql as unpinLeft,Cl as unpinRight,Sl as usaCa,Tl as usaFl,Pl as usaLower48States,Dl as usaNy,Wl as usaPartyDemocratic,Nl as usaPartyGreen,Rl as usaPartyLibertarian,El as usaPartyRepublican,Fl as usaTx,Ul as usb,Gl as verifiedAccount,Ol as veterinarian,Ql as vial,Zl as viber,$l as vimeo,Yl as virus,_l as virusProtection,Jl as virusStop,Kl as visa,Xl as visuallyImpaired,eo as vote,to as vsCode,ao as waterBoiler,io as waterHeater,so as waterTap,lo as wechat,oo as weightScale,ro as whatsapp,co as whiteHouse1,no as whiteHouse2,ho as wireTransfer,vo as worker,go as workers,po as workflow,mo as wrench,wo as year,uo as yearToDate,bo as yenCircled,zo as yesterday,yo as youtube};
SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export'
at Runtime.createScriptFromCode (node_modules/jest-runtime/build/index.js:1728:14) at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/@infragistics/igniteui-angular/fesm2015/infragistics-igniteui-angular.mjs:17:95)
Attaching screenshot for the reference.
Does anyone have any idea about this error? Am I missing any thing?