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Issue using ig new with Angular Versions

I am trying to create a new application using ig new.

I have uninstalled and re-installed both Angular and igniteui several times in an attempt to match versions.

I consistently get the following error:

This version of CLI is only compatible with Angular versions ^19.0.0,
but Angular version 18.2.13 was found instead.

Below is a copy & paste of my experience.

What do I need to do to get ig new to work?

Thanks in advance, 


C:\Projects>npm i igniteui-angular@18.2.8

added 38 packages in 6s

6 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details

C:\Projects>ig new

? Enter a name for your project: CUSA-2
? Choose framework: Angular
? Choose the type of project: Ignite UI for Angular
Psst! Did you know you can also use our schematics package with Angular CLI to create and modify your projects?
Read more at:
? Choose project template: Side navigation + login
? Choose the theme for the project: Default
Generating project structure.
√ Project structure generated.
√ Git Initialized and Project 'CUSA-2' Committed

? Choose an action: Complete & Run
The project will be created using a Trial version of Ignite UI for Angular.
You can always run the upgrade-packages command once it's created.
? Would you like to upgrade to the licensed feed now? Yes
? Choose app host port: 4200
Build started.
Installing npm packages
Packages installed successfully
Starting project.

> cusa-2@0.0.0 start
> ng serve -o --port=4200

This version of CLI is only compatible with Angular versions ^19.0.0,
but Angular version 18.2.13 was found instead.
Please visit the link below to find instructions on how to update Angular.
The new command threw error - Error
Message: Command failed: npm start -- --port=4200
Stack: Error: Command failed: npm start -- --port=4200
at checkExecSyncError (node:child_process:890:11)
at execSync (node:child_process:962:15)
at Util.execSync (C:\Users\wjz\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\igniteui-cli\node_modules\@igniteui\cli-core\util\Util.js:318:49)
at execSyncNpmStart (C:\Users\wjz\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\igniteui-cli\lib\commands\start.js:44:25)
at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\wjz\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\igniteui-cli\lib\commands\start.js:125:21)
at (<anonymous>)
at fulfilled (C:\Users\wjz\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\igniteui-cli\lib\commands\start.js:28:58)

C:\Projects>ng version

_ _ ____ _ ___
/ \ _ __ __ _ _ _| | __ _ _ __ / ___| | |_ _|
/ △ \ | '_ \ / _` | | | | |/ _` | '__| | | | | | |
/ ___ \| | | | (_| | |_| | | (_| | | | |___| |___ | |
/_/ \_\_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_|\__,_|_| \____|_____|___|

Angular CLI: 18.2.12
Node: 20.11.1
Package Manager: npm 10.2.4
OS: win32 x64

Angular: undefined

Package Version
@angular-devkit/architect 0.1802.12 (cli-only)
@angular-devkit/core 18.2.12 (cli-only)
@angular-devkit/schematics 18.2.12 (cli-only)
@schematics/angular 18.2.12 (cli-only)

C:\Projects>ig -v
_____ _ _ _ _ _____ _____ _ _____
|_ _| (_) | | | | |_ _| / ____| | |_ _|
| | __ _ _ __ _| |_ ___ | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | / _` | '_ \| | __/ _ \ | | | | | | | | | | | |
_| || (_| | | | | | || __/ | |__| |_| |_ | |____| |____ _| |_
|_____\__, |_| |_|_|\__\___| \____/|_____| \_____|______|_____|
__/ |

Ignite UI CLI version: 14.3.6
OS: Windows

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