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Remote Paging State Returns Undefined

When using remote paging with the IgxGrid component, the getState method is returning undefined for the paging state. This issue affects the ability to properly retrieve and maintain the grid's state when integrating with remote data sources.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Configure IgxGrid with remote paging.
  2. Invoke the getState method to retrieve the grid state.
  3. Observe that the paging state is returned as undefined.

  • 2740
    Offline posted

    Hello R Bala Murugan,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer Support!

    I have been looking into your question and what I can say is that would be expected for the grid not to handle the paging state with the built-in approach when remote paging is implemented.

    The IgxGrid State Persistence topic, under the “Restoring Strategies” section mentions the following:

    “IgxGridState will not persist neither remote operations.” … “Restoring any of these can be achieved with code on application level.”.

    The rationale behind this design is most likely the fact that with remote operations, the developer is responsible for implementing the data fetching logic. If the paging state (or other remote state) were restored with the built-in mechanism, however, the application logic misses fetching the data as per the required state, this could lead to inconsistent data in the grid. The IgxGrid API cannot enforce the data being loaded via the custom remote logic, hence this being an application-level concern.

    To demonstrate a possible approach to hanfle this, I created this sample, where the IgxGrid shows remote paging along with application-level handling of the paging state being restored. Please, check the sample out and let me know if it accurately demonstrates what you are trying to achieve:

    Please note that due to limited staff during the Christmas and New Year holidays, response times may be longer than usual—thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Best regards,
    Bozhidara Pachilova
    Software Developer