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Bind filtered remote data


I am displaying the gird data on load. When I do the advance remote filtering, the page is no getting refreshed with the filtered data. I am using the example and added the filtering functionality. I can see only the loading gif.

grid.on("iggriddatabinding", function (e, args) {
The other function is not getting executed.
grid.on("iggriddatabound", function (e, args) {
I tried by putting alert messages.

Please help

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    Hello Indra,

    Thank you for posting into our community!

    I have been looking into your question and I have tried reproducing the described behavior, however, on my side, I was not able to reproduce it.

    Additionally, since I am not sure how the igGrid and the remote filtering are configured on your side, it would be highly appreciated if you could provide me with a small sample that demonstrates the described behavior.

    Having a sample which I can debug on my side will be extremely helpful in investigating the root cause of this behavior and providing you with a solution as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your cooperation. Looking forward to your reply.

    Riva Ivanova
    Entry Level Software Developer
