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DatepickerOptions in MVC View

I am trying to add the code to make a datepicker into just a month and/or year picker in a MVC View, not via javascript. I have code that looks like this:

.Value(month != null ? month : DateTime.Now.Month)
.HtmlAttributes(new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>() { { "class", "financialDashboardDatePicker" } })
.MinValue(new DateTime(1753, 1, 1))
.ValidatorOptions(options =>
options.Required(true, "*");
options.Date(true, "*");

I have tried .Datepickeroptions(x) but can find nowhere how I define x for month/date only. I have tried adding code you supplied elsewhere for this issue:

features.Updating().ColumnSettings(cs =>
cs.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("StartDate").EditorType(ColumnEditorType.DatePicker).Required(true).EditorOptions("datepickerOptions: {changeYear: true, changeMonth: true}");

However, it won't accept featires, .Features. or any other variation on that like it would in an iggrid. Please help me on the proper syntax.

- John Cannon