In the docs, there's a RowStylesScript sample. But it looks like this only exists in the igbGrid, not the igbDataGird?
For example,
igRegisterScript("WebGridRowStylesHandler", () => { return { background: (row) => (['due_date'] == '2021/09/09') ? '#333333' : '#333333' };}, true);
I tried using the DataBoundScript on the control, but you can only access one control at a time, Is it possible to format a row based on more than one value in the row?
You are correct, you won't be able to style rows directly as there is no underlying object to do so.This was explained here: should be able to hook the DataBoundScript on each column using same event/function to reuse the code. If you want to migrate to IgbGrid then you can refer to this example:, we are migrating folks to IgbGrid. The IgbDataGrid will be getting less bug fixes as time progresses and as of now we're not adding any new features. Let me know if you have any questions.