I'm trying to implement infinite scrolling and having issues. When the page loads, the first 20 rows of data get loaded into the grid from an external API and I populate TotalItemCount to the total number of records in the table, for example 2000. The scrollbar is shown full screen, so doesn't resize to show that there are more records to get. If I change the page size to more than fits on the page, then I can scroll to the next page and the DataPreload event fires but I can't scroll past that second page. Am I missing something?
<IgbGrid @ref="grid" Data="@employees" AutoGenerate="false" TotalItemCount="@totalItemCount" DataPreLoad="DataPreloadHandler" SortingOptions="@sortingOptions" DisplayDensity="DisplayDensity.Compact" RowHeight="25" Paging="true" PagingMode="GridPagingMode.Local" Width="375px" Height="1200px" PrimaryKey="employeeId" RowSelection="GridSelectionMode.Single" HideRowSelectors="true" CellSelection="GridSelectionMode.None" RowSelectionChanging="RowSelectionChangingHandler" DoubleClick="DoubleClickHandler" Sorting="SortingHandler"> <IgbColumn Field="Id" Header="Work Unit Id" DataType="GridColumnDataType.String" Hidden="true" /> <IgbColumn Field="FirstName" Header="Name" DataType="GridColumnDataType.String" MinWidth="125px" Resizable="true" Sortable="true" Groupable="false" /> <IgbColumn Field="LastName" Header="Content" DataType="GridColumnDataType.String" MinWidth="125px" Resizable="true" Sortable="true" Groupable="false" /> </IgbGrid>
InfiniteScrollingInfragisticsTest (2).zip
Thank you for contacting Infragistics. Are you using the paging component of the grid, because I noticed you enabled paging on the grid? If so, then you can't scroll the grid to change pages. Please review and modify my sample to demonstrate the behavior you are experiencing. It's using an IgbPaginator.Please attach any sample without the bin/obj folders and let me know what you are expecting. row-paging-basic.zipMichael DiFilippoSoftware DeveloperInfragistics, Inc.