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RowEditDialog - Setting input widths

How can I change the width of my input fields to allow one of the fields to be multi-line and have a width that spans the length of the table?

I have tried editing the html.

<script id="dialogTemplate" type="text/html">
<div style='float: left; width: 100%'>
<strong>${Name}</strong><br />
<table style='width: 700px;'>
<col style='width: 30%;' />
<col style='width: 200%;' />
<tbody data-render-tmpl="true"></tbody>

<script id="editorsTemplate" type="text/html">
<td style='color: black;'>${headerText}</td>
<td ><input data-editor-for-${key}="true" style='color: black; width: 1000px;' /></td>

Nothing seems to make a difference.