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Host igDataChart in WKWebView (macOS or iOS)

I am trying to load any of the igDataChart samples into a WKWebView in an iOS or macOS app.

The HTML portion renders but the jquery portion never does.

Is there a way to load any of the igDataChart samples into a WKWebView in either an iOS or macOS app?

For example this is one that I tried but never got to work:

Can anyone advise how to load that HTML page into a WKWebView?

  • 16310
    Offline posted

    Hi Peter,

    I assume you are following the approach that WKWebView requires, since you see the html part rendering. IF you happen to miss something from that, I see plenty of topics on Stackoverflow discussing how to add jQuery components to a WKWebView. like this one.

    Do you see any errors coming from the jQuery part of the code ? Any screens or additional information will be helpful. Until that information is available, I can only assume that a possible reason is the needed resources are not loaded in the view, please make sure that you have correctly loaded those.

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