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Is there a way to always show checkboxes in igCombo dropdown list, even when multiselection is false?

Is there a way to always show checkboxes in igCombo dropdown list, even when multiselection is false?

  • 1300
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Ray, 

    After investigating this further, I determined that your requirement could be achieved by enabling the multiSelection. However,a constraint should be created to only choose one item, in a method, bound to onSelectionChanged. If the oldItems array length is equal to 1, the previous element gets deselected.

    selectionChanged: function (evt, ui) {

               if (ui.oldItems != null) {

             if (ui.oldItems.length == 1) {

                       $("#combo").igCombo("deselectByValue", ui.items[0].data.Name);





    I have also changed the itemsSeparator in order to hide the comma after the items in the input.

    Below I am attaching a sample illustrating my suggestion for your reference.

    Please let me know if you need additional information regarding this matter.


    Monika Kirkova,


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