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iggrid row template not checking condition properly for any other string numbers other than 0 and 1


I am having row template condition like " {{if ${Diffusion1} == ${Diffusion2} && ${Diffusion1} == '0'}} " and another condition " {{elseif ${Diffusion1} == ${Diffusion2} && ${Diffusion1} != '0'}} ". The values Diffusion1 and Diffusion2 are strings but are always contain numbers. The condition works only if the values are in '0' or '1', anything greater than that the 2nd condition fails.

Things I have tried are using parseInt function to parse string and then compare with integers instead of string numbers. And adding a function which returns the condition as mentioned in this post

And I have 2 more conditions hence I cannot use else directly after 1st condition.

Both the solutions didnt help. Please provide me a solution for this problem.



  • 25

    Can someone respond to this please????? Or ask if any info is required.

  • 23953
    Offline posted

    Hello Kavitha,

    Is it possible for you to create a very small sample which reproduces this issue, because it is not very clear from the information you provide what the problem can be.

    I can also suggest you to try defining an unbound column and define a formula function for this column in which you calculate these values. Another advantage is that you'll be able to debug the formula function if there is a problem.

    Best regards,
    Martin Pavlov
    Infragistics, Inc.