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Row selection when using igGrid Knockout binding

Does the Knockout binding for igGrid support a callback for changes in row selection?  I couldn't find it described in the help documentation.

  • 1015

    I'm also looking for a way to bind the selected rows with a knockout observable array.

  • 1015
    Suggested Answer

    I'm doing it, but it's messy right now until IG puts out a better way. (igGrid, IgniteUI 13.1.20131.2143)

    I put my igGrid initialization in a function like this:

    function loadControls(viewModel){/*init the grid in here so i have access to the view model*/}

    I then use the RowSelectors feature and handle the checkBoxStateChanged event like so:

    checkBoxStateChanged: function (evt, ui)
    	//Knockout ViewModel, but it could just be an array
    	var boundModel = viewModel.selectedItems;
    	//the record in the grid					
    	var r;
    	if (ui.isHeader)
    		//clear my viewModel for later re-adds
    		if (ui.grid.selectedRows().length > 0)
    			if (ui.state == 'on')
    				for (var i = 0; i < ui.grid.selectedRows().length; i++)
    					r = ui.grid.findRecordByKey(ui.grid.selectedRows()[i].id);
    					if (r != null)
    	//my users could change the multiselect option on the fly
    	if (viewModel.allowMultipleSelections() === false)
    	r = ui.grid.findRecordByKey(ui.rowKey);
    	if (r != null)
    		if (ui.state == 'on')

    To complete the "bindings" I also handle the rowsRendered event so it can select on paging, etc:

    rowsRendered: function (evt, ui)
    	//Knockout ViewModel, but it could just be an array
    	var boundModel = viewModel.selectedItems;
    	var gridId =;
    	//For each of my saved selected items
    	//select the checkbox on the grid
    	for (var i = 0; i < boundModel().length; i++)
    		//the item's primary key
    		var key = boundModel()[i].Id;
    		for (var x = 0; x < ui.owner.rows().length; x++)
    			//the row contains the key on an attribute data-id="primarykey"			
    			var rowKey = ui.owner.rows()[x].getAttribute("data-id");
    			if (key == rowKey)
    				$('#' + gridId).igGridSelection('selectRow', x);

    I know it's not clean, but it gets the job done.

  • 130
    Verified Answer
    posted in reply to Dirk Watkins

    Dirq, thanks for you reply.  I actually found a better solution for basic row selection using the row selection event provided by the igGridSelection module.  I hadn't known to look there before.   To wire it it I do something like the following where onRowSelection is a public method on my viewmodel:

    <table id="grid1" data-bind="igGrid: {
    [other options...],
    features: [
    name: 'Selection',
    mode: 'row',
    multipleSelection: false,
    rowSelectionChanged: onRowSelection
    {name: 'Updating', enableAddRow: false, enableDeleteRow: false, editMode: 'none' }
