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filtering grid, params ???


At the moment I'm testing the filter of a table.
My table gets the data from a server.

I see in Firefox / Firebug the request.
If I filter a column I can see different variables.

For example: startwith (name)

This variable names are not sql strings.
What is this structure of this variables?

I use a MySQL database as a data source and a php script.

Which data source is for this variables?

Can I change the names of the variables for use sql syntax?

Sorry for my bad english.

Your sincerly Stephan

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  • 23953
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    Hello Stephan,

    Sorry for the late response.

    When you use our MVC Helper wrapper we use a custom filtering params convention which suits our own needs (this filtering functionality is enabled when you set the igGridFiltering.filterExprUrlKey option, which by default is "filter". In fact our MVC Helper wrapper sets this option in order to enable that filtering query string params).

    In this case each filter param contains all the filtering data for one single column of the grid, so for example the query string param:

    filter(Description)=startsWith(IgniteUI), means that the "Description" field (usually this is the name of your database field) is filtered with a function "startsWith" and search value "IgniteUI".

    In your case you'll have to manually parse each query string param and generate the equivalent MySQL construct.

    As for the customization, you can choose between our in-house filtering params or the oData filtering convention (which is enabled by default).


    Hope this helps,

    Martin Pavlov
    Infragistics, Inc.

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